Can you join the Army after ACL reconstruction? – Sage-Answer . Can I become a firefighter with a torn ACL? Potential recruits should only be accepted if they have reconstruction of ACL deficient knees, and only then on the advice of their orthopaedic surgeon; they must understand that there are risks associated with the operation, and subsequent employment by the Fire Service is not guaranteed.
Can you join the Army after ACL reconstruction? – Sage-Answer from
Because of the strenuous lifestyle soldiers live and the peak physical conditioning they must maintain, a torn ACL could derail a military career. For a soldier, an ACL tear can lead to.
The following conditions may disqualify you for military service: a. Limitation of motion. An individual will be considered unacceptable if the joint range of motion is less than the...
ACL reconstruction surgery is a bar to entry for the Naval Service unfortunately, end of chat. It is not necessarily however, always a bar to entry to other services. Clearly the OP is.
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of four major ligaments in your knee joint. It connects the thigh-bone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). The other three are the posterior.
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) often gets injured in running or contact sports. ( 1) So, it’s natural for active people with this injury to ask “can you run with a torn ACL?” Well,.
Jun 18, 2011 #2 Is there proof in your service treatment records that you tore your ACL or had complaints of knee problems. Just your doctor stating the he believes something will.
It is especially significant in the military, since ACL injury can lead to termination of military service and premature discharge. The loss of military strength and combat power after.
Answer (1 of 4): IF your Surgery has returned you to a Physical Status where you can pass the Military Branches Physical — then Yes you can!!! You WILL receive a much more through.
I tried to join the Army with a busted up ACL (and three screws in my knee) and was told flat out that enlistment was not an option. Same with the USMC. Same with the Navy. Same.
14 Oct 2018. #1. I've been interested in joining the Army as officer for 5 years now (I am 21). I have been declined multiple times just from the first medical questionnaire because I.
I tore my ACL during Senior Football and had an ACL reconstruction a few months later only to find out that I also had a small tear in my Meniscus. Long story short, did the operation, had.
I've been thinking about joining for a while, but I still need to get my surgery done. Can I still join the reserves after the torn acl reconstruction? Google didn't seem to help as I get both yes and.
I have been planning on joining the Coast Guard since my freshman year of college, but two days ago I was messing around and tore my ACL and am gonna need knee surgery. I still have a year.